The European Union and the United States have agreed to greater coordination in their actions against Russia and China


European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pose with President Joe Biden during the US-EU summit in Brussels, Belgium (Photo: REUTERS / Yves Herman)
European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pose with President Joe Biden during the US-EU summit in Brussels, Belgium (Photo: REUTERS / Yves Herman)

The European Union (EU) and the United States agreed on Tuesday to strengthen the coordination of their actions against China Yes Russia, and in the case of the second country They decided to establish a high-level dialogue between Washington and Brussels to address issues related to Moscow.

This is indicated by the conclusions adopted at the summit held this Tuesday by the President of the United States, Joe biden, and the presidents of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the European Council, Charles Michel.

The United States and the EU state that they intend to consult and cooperate “closely” on “all questions” relating to their respective relations with Beijing, which they describe as “similar multifaceted approaches”. They add that these approaches include “elements of cooperation, competition and systemic rivalry”.

They specify that they intend to continue to coordinate in their “Shared concerns” such as “human rights violations” in Xinjian and Tibet, “erosion of autonomy and democratic processes” in Hong Kong, “economic coercion, disinformation campaigns and regional security issues “.

“We continue gravely concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas and we strongly oppose any unilateral attempt to change the ‘status quo’ and increase tensions, ”they say.

Charles Michel, Ursula von der Leyen and Joe Biden (Photo: EFE / EPA / OLIVIER HOSLET)
Charles Michel, Ursula von der Leyen and Joe Biden (Photo: EFE / EPA / OLIVIER HOSLET)

Conversely, the Twenty-Seven and Washington also plan to coordinate on their “constructive engagement“With China in areas like climate change or the non-proliferation of weapons.

Regarding Russia, they say they remain “united” in their “principled approach” to Moscow and are “prepared to respond decisively to its repeated pattern of negative behavior and harmful activities.”, which Russia must tackle to avoid a further deterioration of relations, including the list of so-called hostile countries.

“Coordinate our policies and actions we plan to establish a high-level dialogue on Russia between the EU and the US “, they announce, an initiative similar to the one that Brussels and the previous US administration agreed to launch last year to deal with China.

Washington and the EU too condemn Russian actions which “undermine” the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and Georgia, and call on the Kremlin to ensure that diplomatic missions in Russia can operate “safely and productively”, in addition to stopping the campaign against the opposition and independent media and release the “political prisoners”.

At the same time, they admit to maintaining open communication channels cooperate in areas of common interest.

As for Belarus, reiterate their support for the demands of the population in favor of democracy and human rights and criticize the hijacking of the Ryanair plane to arrest opponents Román Protasevich and his partner, Sofía Sapega.

On the other hand, more generally, they underline their rejection of authoritarianism everywhere in the world and their intention to “Improve” cooperation “in the use of sanctions to pursue common foreign and security policy objectives, while avoiding possible unforeseen consequences for European and American interests ”.

They also advocate a de-escalation in the eastern Mediterranean, where the last few years have been characterized by tensions between Turkey on the one hand and Greece and Cyprus on the other, and by the return to democracy in Myanmar.

Faced with the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, are ready to work to support the peace process in this country and the “achievements” of human rights.

Likewise, they are betting on the resumption of dialogue on migration, “Include innovative solutions on effective and safe migration policies in cooperation with third countries”.

They also claim work together to renew global “efforts” on arms control and reiterate their support for talks aimed at preserving the Iranian nuclear pact.

With information from EFE


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