The European Union asks Maduro to call elections in the coming days


European countries have become involved in the conflict Venezuela is going through.

January 26, 2019

After the badault of the United States and the Venezuelan right against Nicolás Maduronow the The European Union has asked the President of Venezuela to hold elections "in the coming days" and opened the door to the recognition of the parliamentary leader Juan Guaidó as president of the country.

"In the absence of announcement of new elections with the necessary guarantees in the coming days, the EU will take other measures, iEven on the issue of recognition of the country's leaders in accordance with Article 233 of the Venezuelan Constitution, "said the head of the community diplomacy.Federica Mogherini, in a statement approved by the twenty-eight.

The EU statement, agreed Friday morning, comes after Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom gave an eight-day ultimatum a Maduro to call elections, on pain of recognizing Guidó afterwards.

And they threatened the President of Venezuela that if he does not, they will recognize the parliamentary leader Juan Guaidó as president of the country.

In an official statement, the Spanish president, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, he said that Guaidó must lead the transition to "free" elections in Venezuela playing the maximum representation of the National Assembly of this country.

Immediately after and by Twitter, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, it was added to Sánchez's ultimatum.

To integrate

The Venezuelan people must be able to freely decide their future. Without elections announced within 8 days, we will be ready to recognize @not a word as "president in charge" of Venezuela for a political process. We and work between European partners.

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 26, 2019

"The village Venezuelan must be able to freely decide his future. No election announced in 8 days, we could recognize Guaidó as "president in charge" of Venezuela implement this political process. We work with our European allies, "wrote Macron.

The German Government has also announced that, if there were no elections in Venezuela in "eight days" he will recognize Guaidó as president of Venezuela.


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