The European Union assesses the blocking of the export of …


The escalation of the conflict between European Union (EU) and AstraZeneca laboratory due to delays in the delivery of coronavirus vaccines has reached such a point that the bloc has threatened to locked dose shipments to other countries and even disclose sensitive details of the contract so far dissatisfied.

The warnings were issued at a time when Europe has a key element in its hands: whether or not to approve the marketing of this vaccine prepared by the University of Oxford in the countries of the continent, plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein; something that could be defined today.

The one who warned against the possible blocking of the delivery of vaccines to countries which are not of the bloc was the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, when the announcement of the launch of an export control system that prohibits the release of drugs if they are not “legitimate”.

EU must take strong action to secure vaccine supply and demonstrate concretely that the protection of its citizens remains our top priority ”, he declared.

Later, sources from this organization tried to put on cold rags. They said that “emergency measure” It did not target “any particular company”, but was nonetheless announced after the start of a dispute between the EU and AstraZeneca.

The system called “Transparency and licensing mechanism for exports” aims to collect information on the production of the Covid-19 vaccine to be shipped outside the EU and complies with World Trade Organization rules for ‘humanitarian exports’.

AstraZeneca on alert

AstraZeneca did not reduce alerts. Your ad that could only deliver a quarter of what was promised for the first quarter of this year This puts it at a disadvantage compared to Pfizer / Biontech and Moderna, which have already received the green light from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

And not just that. He also added the reverse that Germany has not recommended this vaccine for those over 65, due to doubts about the results. After that, even the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, came to defend the effectiveness of the vaccine manufactured by Oxford and produced by AstraZeneca in laboratories in the United Kingdom.

Yet what owners of the drugmaker fear most is that the fine print of the contract signed with the EU is made public. This was warned by the President of the European Commission (EC), Úrsula Von der Leyen.

The agreement signed between the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company and the bloc contains Dose “clear deliveries” for December and the first three quarters of 2021, he said. This is why “we want to publish its content” and “we have already discussed with the company to see which parts should be removed”.

“These are sensitive commercial data, that’s clear”, threatened in reference to the contract hitherto blocked by confidentiality clauses. However, Von der Leyen assured that the company had “production sites supposed to produce delivery quantities” that could cover what had been agreed and insisted that “the orders are binding and the contract is very clear”.

We want transparency. We want to know what is happening “because” it is about millions of euros which have been pre-invested by the European Union “, declared the President of the EC.


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