The European Union finalizes the details of a passport …


The European Commission (EC) will present its proposal for a digital community vaccination passport this month, as confirmed on Monday by the head of the corps, Ursula von der Leyen, which could allow its citizens to travel more freely during the summer holidays.

The so-called ‘digital green pass’ would include certification of those who have been vaccinated, test results of those who have not yet been vaccinated, and information on the recovery process for those who have contracted coronavirus .

The aim is to make it recognizable by all Member States of the European Union and compatible with the systems that each of the 27 countries has put in place to monitor the development of their respective vaccination campaigns.

The head of the European Commission advanced the initiative in a closed-door meeting with German MPs from his party, and then confirmed it via Twitter, when the news reached the press.

In his message on the networks, he specifies that the proposal will be presented “this month” and “will respect data protection, security and privacy”. Details on the schedule or the total content of the project remain to be known.

EU leaders agreed last week that the common vaccination passport should be defined before next summer.

If materialized, the initiative will facilitate flexibility of travel within the European Union (EU) -including to third countries-, as the German Chancellor argued last week, Angela Merkel.

The southern European Union countries, economically very dependent on the tourism sector, are the main defenders of this project, with Spain in the lead, which applauded the proposal.

Once the initiative’s technical issues are resolved, political questions will remain, including when it goes into effect, knowing that it would be unfair to grant privileges to those vaccinated when the vaccine has not been offered. to the entire population. , and what kind of rights will grant.


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