The European Union has called on Russia to repeal the law which bars opposition leaders from running as candidates in elections


Josep Borrell (Photo: REUTERS)
Josep Borrell (Photo: REUTERS)

The European Union (EU) on Friday asked Russia to repeal the law that ban anyone involved in the activities of organizations considered extremist by the Kremlin present their candidatures for local and federal elections.

“This new law is another tool against critical and opposition voices which will further restrict political pluralism in Russia, ”a spokesperson for the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy said in a statement Josep Borrell.

The EU considers that this law, adopted “before the elections to the Duma (Russian lower house) in September”, with the laws on “Foreign agents” Yes “Unwanted organizations”, “Strengthens the systematic attack on democracy, human rights and freedoms” in Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: REUTERS)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: REUTERS)

In addition, he expressed concern that the legislation adopted today it will have retroactive effect.

In this context, the EU urged the Russian authorities to repeal this law and adapt Russian law to the commitments that Russia has made under European and international human rights law, including the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe.

The Russian President, Vladimir Poutine, today enacted the controversial law which particularly affects the movement of Jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny and it was approved unanimously this week by the Senate and last week by the Duma or lower house.

The founders and leaders of these “extremist or terrorist” organizations cannot be elected for five years since the entry into force of the jurisdiction ruling on the liquidation or prohibition of these structures, duration which, in the case of employees and members, will be three years.

Also, the measure is retroactive, This is why he was rejected in the Duma by the Communist opposition and was considered “unconstitutional“By supporters of Navalny.

Alexei Navalny celebrates his 45th birthday in prison (Photo: EFE)
Alexei Navalny celebrates his 45th birthday in prison (Photo: EFE)

The law was approved in May by deputies and Wednesday by senators before Putin gives it final approval, according to the document posted on the official Russian Laws website.

The prosecution asked the courts to classify the organizations of Navalny as “extremists” because they intend to “destabilize the social situation” in Russia. There is no doubt where this process will end, given that the activist’s network of regional offices has already been classified as “extremist” by regulatory financial services.

Navalny’s team denounced the Kremlin’s determination to neutralize their movement and silence it ahead of the September 19 election, as the ruling United Russia party falls in the polls of voting intentionsdespite Putin’s power. Its decline is mainly due to the difficult financial situation and multiple corruption scandals.

Navalny was jailed on his return to Russia in January, after months of recovery from poisoning, he blames the Kremlin. Then he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in a case which dates back to 2014 and which he denounces as a politician. In April, he went on a 24-day hunger strike to protest his conditions in a penal colony northeast of Moscow.

With information from EFE, EuropaPress and AFP


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