The European Union rejected the possibility of renegotiating Brexit terms with Theresa May


May acknowledged in London that his government had not decided how he would try to change the agreement to minimize or eliminate the concerns of British legislators. on the status of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland once the UK leaves the EU, which will take place on 29 March.

"The withdrawal agreement will not be negotiated"answered Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission in Brussels, executive body of the regional bloc.

The British Parliament rejected the agreement reached between May and the EU but approved Tuesday of this week the dispatch of the Prime Minister to Brussels discuss the border clause in Ireland and replace it with an "alternative arrangement".

May will try to avoid a Brexit without a concrete agreement on what will be the departure of the United Kingdom, and promised to ask for "legally binding" changes in the pact despite the position of Juncker, who stated that "the withdrawal agreement remains the best and the only possible deal", according to BBC.

Since Dublin, the Government of the Republic of Ireland has lamented May's intention to revise an agreement it had signed with the EU in November and which required 18 months of tough negotiations centered precisely on the mechanism to be applied at the Irish border, known as the "backstop".

"We have already traveled this road, and I do not think that there is such an alternative"On the roof," Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar told Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, calling it "extraordinary" the fact that May and his government had negotiated an agreement that was later rejected during the ratification process.

"It's like saying in a negotiation: "Well, either you give me what I want or I jump out the window"he said on the radio TEN.

The chief EU negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, told reporters in the European Parliament that "EU institutions remain united and we stick to the agreement that has been negotiated with the United Kingdom ".

European leaders such as Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, German Angela Merkel and Austrian Sebastian Kurz have rejected the possibility of reopening negotiations.

The Opposition to the backstop is the main reason why the British Parliament voted overwhelmingly against of the agreement as this safeguard mechanism would leave the UK within a customs union with the EU in order to avoid the need to establish customs and controls to the Irish border.

The border area This was one of the hardest hit by political and religious conflict for decades. on the island of Ireland that killed 3,700 people. The free movement of people and goods across the almost invisible border is the pillar of the local economy and the peace process.

Many Brexit lawmakers fear that the safety net will join the UK in the EU's regulatory corset and claim that they will not support the agreement until it is n & rsquo; Will not have been eliminated.

The Prime Minister admitted Wednesday in Parliament that his government had not yet decided how to change the security system, but badured lawmakers that "there are a number of proposals."

May added that the measures under consideration include a unilateral exit mechanism from the UK, a temporal limitation of the guarantee and a "mutual and reliable recognition of commercial programs", but these are options that the EU has already rejected.


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