The European Union says "no" to Boris Johnson and the risk of a brexit increases without agreement


The magnitude of the challenge she faces Boris Johnson to unlock the political stalemate in the UK, it was revealed in his early days as prime minister, when the EU immediately rejected his claims for a better deal on the brexit.

Johnson told the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, that the UK withdrawal agreement with the European Union should be amended to be approved by Parliament, according to the version of his office regarding the telephone conversation between the two accusations on Thursday. Juncker said it was the best and only possible deal.

If none of the parties give in, the UK is heading for an exit from the EU on 31 October, the deadline for withdrawal, without an agreement being established to ensure cross-border trade without problems and problems. disciplined markets. This could lead to delays in ports, a shortage of essential supplies, including drugs, difficulties of all kinds in transactions and a recession.

Boris Johnson's brexit date: October 31

Prior to the call with Juncker, Johnson had said in his first appearance before Parliament that he was going to focus on speeding up the preparation of a brexit without agreement and had hinted that He was considering elections, betting on the hardest possible line. l & # 39; EU.

"In the remaining 98 days, we must accelerate preparations to ensure that there is as little disruption as possible in our national life," Johnson said. "I think it is possible with the kind of national effort that the British people have already made and that it will do again."

Boris Johnson, an eccentric at the head of the United Kingdom

Call for mobilization

The phrase "national effort" seemed to be a reference to Johnson's hero, Winston Churchill. Martial language continued, as the prime minister said he wanted to "mobilize" the government staff. The work must be the "top priority" of Michael Gove, and the new Chancellor of the Treasury, Sajid Javid, will provide "all necessary funds". Johnson's office has also pledged a public information campaign to help prepare the country for the possibility of leaving without an agreement.

"I would prefer that we leave the EU with an agreement," said Johnson, who opposes the "guarantee" guarantee for the Irish border in the current withdrawal agreement. "We will engage in these negotiations with the utmost energy and determination and in a spirit of friendship."


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