The European Union will not accept a new mandate for Brexit if it does not agree


"If this has not been done by then, no further expansion will be possible. After 12 April, we risk jeopardizing the elections to the European Parliamentand as a result, we jeopardize the functioning of the European Union, "Juncker told the European Parliament's plenary session in Brussels.

The chosen date corresponds to the deadline given in London to inform if it will participate in the European elections. "If the UK is able to approve the exit agreement to a viable majority before April 12, the EU in this case, you must accept an extension until May 22Juncker added.

For now, the final decision on the extension will be taken at the extraordinary summit of the Group of 27, to be held on 10 April in Brussels.


The British Prime Minister, Theresa May announced Monday that she would ask for a further extension as short as possible " to try to agree with the opposition of an exit from the European Union that enjoys majority support.

Juncker's words suggest that this cross-party deal is expected in the coming days and, according to European sources last Friday, "well before" the April 10 summit, so that the leaders of the 27 What British proposal should you take into account when making your decision regarding extension?.

Mr Juncker insisted that the European Union was ready to give "some flexibility" to its intentions regarding future relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom, after having been strengthened among British MPs in recent days. the possibility of negotiating with the EU the entry into a customs union.

Theresa May activates Brexit

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Theresa May with the letter

However, he stated that an exit without agreement next Friday "has become a scenario more and more likely" and he said that the EU was ready to deal with this situation.

In this case, said Juncker, London will face the three main issues of separation: the rights of citizens, the separation letter and financial commitments and the issue of the border between Ireland and Ireland North.

"A" no deal "does not mean" no compromise ". These three problems will not go away. It is a strict condition to rebuild trust and start talking about the future, "warned Juncker.

The 27 will listen to the "intentions" of 10 May at its extraordinary summit and will then have in their hands the decision – which must be taken unanimously – whether or not to grant a further extension of Brexit, without which the departure without agreement will take place by default next Friday, April 12th.


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