The exact moment lightning strikes the roof of a car with a family inside


The love at first sight It’s not a daily thing, but when it does happen the results are often terrifying. Trees fall, houses can be destroyed and of course on a person it is fatal in most cases. One of the safest places you can be in a thunderstorm is a structure with a lightning rod. However, Cars are also ‘safe’ enough places to wait for a storm to pass..

A family traveling north of Waverly, Kansas (USA) discovered it from their own experience a few days ago. While crossing an area facing a thunderstorm, his Jeep Grand Cherokee was hit by a terrifying series of lightning bolts that burned the electronic components of the vehicle but they would have left their passengers safe and sound. Everything was captured on a camera in the car behind.

The fourth-generation Grand Cherokee appears to be hit four times in a matter of milliseconds. Shortly after the last shake, the vehicle slows down to a stop and the brake lights go out, consequence of what millions of volts have done to your electrical system, in a discharge he could not tolerate.

In the video you can see how fast everything is going, but you can also see how strong the impact is. Looks like there are gunshots or roars. The pictures are really shocking.

According to the video description, there was a severe storm warning and flash flood alarm active at the time this curious event occurred.

A married couple with two young children they were the passengers in the vehicle and they all left unharmed. After seeing the footage, no one could deny that the occupants are very lucky to be well.

In the case of lightning, specialists explain that a body acts like a Faraday cage (It is a kind of container covered with electrically conductive material which acts as a shield against the effects of an electric field coming from outside), directing energy around the passengers of the vehicle.

The United States National Weather Service has said lightning can damage tires, shatter windshields and destroy a vehicle’s electrical system. Too may cause fire, in which case it is necessary to evacuate the vehicle as soon as possible. Although it is not known whether a fire started here, it seems unlikely as not all of the passengers in the vehicle were injured.

Moral: If there is a severe thunderstorm warning, stay indoors if possible.


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