The exit from the law


In English, the term lawfare designates the judicialization of politics, the collusion between justice and the media to criminalize leftist leaders. This is the new strategy of the right, also called Hybrid War, underway in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador.

It is a strategy which, by breaking more or less openly the rules of the democratic game, succeeded in bringing down various democratic and progressive governments of Latin America and favored the return of the law to the government of these countries. A brief and ephemeral return, because the only thing that the right can offer to the peoples of the continent is fiscal adjustment, less democracy and the renunciation of national sovereignty. That is why they were defeated again in Argentina, Bolivia and they are being defeated also in Ecuador.

This strategy began in Brazil with the 2016 coup d’état which removed Dilma, a president who had just been re-elected by the democratic vote of the people and who was the victim of a process without a legal basis, a process that has attacked democracy. barely thirty years ago, after a military dictatorship that lasted for 21 years.

A strategy of law, of judicialization of politics, of hybrid war, which had its second chapter with the imprisonment, the conviction and the prohibition of Lula from being a candidate in the presidential elections of 2018, which would have won in the first round as predicted by all polls. A strategy that ended with the monstrous operation – which had the approval of the courts and the media – which led to the election of Bolsonaro as President of Brazil, in an absolutely undemocratic process.

Brazil is experiencing the suffering caused by the bankruptcy of democracy, which is never good for the people or the country: economic recession, social crisis, unlimited deaths from the pandemic, slowness of vaccination, loss of national sovereignty, people abandoned, mortally wounded democracy …

The court decision to publicly restore Lula’s innocence is the beginning of the end of everything. The other countries, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador, have already found a way out of the war. Argentina, after the electoral defeat of 2015 and the crushing failure of the government of Mauricio Macri, elected Alberto Fernández, who in his own way resumed the path of the governments of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, of anti-neoliberalism, of democracy , national sovereignty and Latin American integration.

In Bolivia, after the coup that overthrew the government of Evo Morales, the neoliberal restoration government was short-lived. As soon as the democratic right to elect the president of the republic was regained, the candidate linked to Evo Morales and MAS Luis Arce, was elected the new president of the country. Ecuador is moving in the same direction, projecting the election of the candidate linked to Rafael Correa, Andrés Arauz, as the probable new president of the country.

Brazil is beginning, in its own way, to emerge from law, judicialization, hybrid warfare and the collapse of democracy, thanks to the restitution of full political rights to Lula. It’s a long road, still full of obstacles, but which is gaining new momentum with Lula’s return to Brazilian political life.

Lula’s speech to the ABC Metallurgists’ Union in São Paulo had widespread resonance across the country, inspiring what everyone was feeling: hope. A slaughtered and desperate country once again looked at its present and its future with a new horizon, represented by Lula. The judiciary itself must recognize that all the charges against him were undemocratic manipulations, carried out by judges serving not only to prevent Lula from becoming president of Brazil, but also to destroy the foundations of democracy and even to destroy the foundations of democracy. construction. sovereign country.

With Lula, Brazil finds itself, realizes that it is only in a democracy that the majority impose its will, that it is only in a democracy that the interests of the people become reality, that it is only ‘in a democracy that Brazil regains its image as a great country and that Brazilians can once again feel proud of their country and of being Brazilian.

It is a path that is only just beginning to be traveled, but which is already reflected throughout the political field, which begins to react to the proposals of Lula’s presence, not only as a future perspective, but as a fundamental reference to defeat Bolsonaro now. . . of his government, which led the country to the worst crisis in its history.

It will be a long period of several months for a country that mourns over 2,000 deaths every day, that suffers from hunger and helplessness every day, that feels helpless and discouraged by the resurgence of hope. Hope is still conquering fear, misery, authoritarianism, arbitrariness, the lack of justice and solidarity… and Lula represents all of this. In this way, Brazil begins to emerge from the hybrid war to return to democracy and a legitimate government elected by the Brazilian people.


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