the exotic custom of “Los Dandis del Congo”


Be well dressed with Elegant suits Yes fancy shoes In one of the poorest countries in the world, this may sound crazy. But who said it was impossible? In Africa There are those who prioritize their image and appearance over other aspects of life.

All you have to do is go to Brazzaville, the capital of Republic of Congo. Here, where there is no drinking water, a group of people stroll flaunting European fashion through the unpaved streets and the pile of garbage that collects on the facades of the houses.

Many of them are in debt for decades. They belong to the working class and take out loans with which they could buy land, but choose to invest it in suit Yes imported shoes for which they generally pay millions and millions of Congolese francs. This is the life of “The Dandis of Congo“.

They live in one of the poorest countries in the world, but they wear luxurious clothes.

They live in one of the poorest countries in the world, but they wear luxurious clothes.

what is a dandi? He is originally a person who stands out from the crowd by his Elegant and extravagant way of dressing, and which uses a language cultivated and refined. In addition, he has a knowledge of fashion and comes from a family that belongs to the bourgeoisie or the wealthier classes of the country. In addition, they must have a strong personality and charismatic, and be acclaimed and applauded by the majority.

“The Dandis of the Congo”

That of the Congo is a local adaptation. While many of them are not wealthy, these people wear stylish and very colorful outfits. And, of course, among well-known and international brands there is no place for fakes. They typically wear Kenzo, Yves Saint Laurent and Giorgio Armani suits, wear luxury Gucci and Prada items, and wear Westons shoes.

For these dandies, the image is paramount, which is why it is so important to dress well. You have to keep up appearances. But behind it lies a story that goes back to Second World War, since thousands of Congolese took part in the conflict fighting in favor of France.

The members belong to the working class.  Many go into debt to buy their costumes.

The members belong to the working class. Many go into debt to buy their costumes.

After serving in combat, they returned home. And of course, on their return to Congo, they brought the latest novelties in European fashion. These people, in flamboyant Parisian clothes, began to meet privately and organize parties and galas to display their clothes.

With time he was born The Sape (Society of Air Fresheners and Elegant Men), an exclusive club which brings together “Los Dandis del Congo”. This movement has fashion and elegance as a standard. And it remains active to this day, despite being one of the poorest countries in the world.

Between poverty and misery

In Congo, in addition to natural resources, violence and the Corruption. Decades of civil war and dictatorships make this country one of the most unequal economically and socially. Without free or compulsory education and with an outrageous rate of rape of women.

But no matter the poverty that surrounds the country. Despite this, The Sape it is a tradition, and these two worlds coexist in parallel. Like any select club, there is also Rules to follow.

The dandis from Congolese They cannot combine more than three colors in their suits and must wear Weston shoes at least once in their life. In addition, they should be honorable and an example to follow in their villages or towns. And they must hoist the banners of inclusion, pacifism, freedom and improvement.

The Dandis of Congo wear their clothes in the unpaved streets of Brazzaville.

The Dandis of Congo wear their clothes in the unpaved streets of Brazzaville.

A dandy can apply for several credits in his life. For example, there are those who have taken on nearly 7 million francs in debt to buy one of their clothes. To get an idea, the average salary in Congo is around 700,000 Congolese francs per month. It’s all for style and prestige.

And, although it sounds crazy, this movement not only remains in force in the former French colony, but also several European countries have formed their own movements. to dig. For example, they can be seen in Italy, France, Spain and even in the city of London.

The Sappers are booming today, but they were on the verge of extinction in 1980, when the civil war they swept the country. At that moment, a motto arose among the dandies: “Let us lay down our arms and dress elegantly.”

Los Sapeurs o "Congo needs" pertenecen The SAPE (The Society of Ambianceurs and Elegant People).

Los Sapeurs o “Dandis del Congo” pertenecen The SAPE (The Society of Ambianceurs and Elegant People).

This movement may appear as a cult of luxury among misery. However, many of them are rented. And it is believed that some see the protagonists as hero upper class that go against the system, that is, a tendency as a form of protest. On the other hand, the Congolese could have been one of the most prosperous countries in Africa.

However, the minerals coltan and gold have become – more than a salvation – a nightmare. the guerrillas They practically control the country and the very strong corruption threatens its development. Meanwhile, the Sappers they show off their luxurious costumes as they walk in their crocodile skin shoes through unpaved streets surrounded by famine and poverty.


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