The export of the first Pampa III in Guatemala


The purchase of the Pampa III fell in the middle of the second round of Guatemala's presidential election and politics, as well as competition that remained outside the press for canceling the operation which led to the closure of the Argentina Aircraft Factory excessesionada of the American Lockheed Martin. One of the suppliers stayed on the road years ago. In 2013, the Guatemalan government canceled the purchase of 6 Super Tucano aircraft built by Embraer after verifying an overvaluation of nearly $ 2.5 million by air. A table of lawyers, technical staff occupying positions in Congress and Justice, national deputies and AFIP members provided political data. Diego Armesto, Counselor of the UCR Bloc of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, Matías Arregger, Chief Adviser to Graciela Camaño, Administrative Secretary of the Bicameral Permanent Supervisory and Control Commission of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation (Prosecutor's Office), Fernando González, Secretary of the Criminal Court of the Province of Buenos Aires, Darío De Biase, President of the Victims of Crime Advisory Council of the UBA, Lucas Incicco, Santa Fe Substitute and Ezequiel Mahle (AFIP)). Radical power came the explanation of the sudden badault aimed at settling the candidacy for the governorship of La Rioja between the Peronist Alberto Paredes Urquiza, mayor of the capital of Rioja and the national senator of the 39, UCR, Julio Martínez. In Paredes, a sponsor was born after the incorporation of Miguel Pichetto to the presidential form; He is the ambbadador to Peru, Jorge Yoma, who accompanied Pichetto and Rogelio Frigerio during his recent visit to the province. Pichetto, at the request of Yoma, waved to Paredes Urquiza to be a candidate for governorship, asked the mayor of the capital Macrismo's Peronist leg to La Rioja. The ghostly air has also boosted the names of the national sphere, Miguel Angel Toma, a reference in the field of security and defense, consultant for the vice of the formula, is presented for the Libertador construction option which would leave behind plan that is already located, the Secretary of Strategy and Military Affairs, Paola Di Chiaro. At the same table, Aníbal Asseff, former provincial senator, candidate UCR occupies the position of Mayor of Moreno on behalf of Cambiemos, within the group Together for Change. Aníbal, cousin of Alberto Asseff, owner of the UNIR party who left his candidacy for the presidency at the economist José Espert without political clothes, accused the mayor of Kirchner, the current mayor of Kirchner, from the district surrender and badured him that he would receive funds for his asphalt, health, education and security, for Moreno, but today neither the works nor the money are ".


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