The extreme heat in Europe can be "observed" from the space


The European Space Agency (ESA) has released a map showing the extreme heat that is currently raging in Europe. Through the variation of the temperature of the Earth's surface, the images reflect a scenario similar to that of Mars, the red planet.

The map was generated using the sea surface radiometer and Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite surface. Thanks to the data obtained, the scientists created an online animation that shows the abnormal heat experienced in the western part of the continent.

Feel the #heated? This animation of two images captured by @CopernicusEU # Sentinel3 compares land surface temperature in parts of Europe and North Africa to June 26, 2019, at the height of the first year #wave of heat.

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– ESA (@esa) July 25, 2019

"While weather forecasts use projected air temperatures, the satellite measures the actual amount of energy emitted by the Earth, so this map best represents the true temperature of the Earth's surface." the image, the clouds are visible. empty, while the light blue represents the snow-covered areas, "explained the agency.

According to forecasts, the heat wave reached its peak on Thursday with temperatures of up to 40 ° C in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. In June, countries such as Hungary, Poland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and France broke historical records. Paris, to cite an example, has reached 41 degrees Celsius.

Scorching temperatures have forced authorities to declare warnings to protect the health of citizens. In these cases, the risk of asphyxiation and even death is high if the necessary precautions are not taken.




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