The fall of Huawei in the United States has forced Silicon Valley to forget globalization?


The trade war between China and the United States, As many of you know, this does not only affect Wall Street entrepreneurs and investors who continue to put pressure on the government. President Donald Trump in order to reduce its demand and verborragia with regard to its relations with China. The conflict between the two countries is also linked to the domination of the 5G in the world, a competition between the two powers to know who arrives before or who has the best technology.

This is how big companies affected, such as China Huawei and the North American Google, They are looking for an alternative to the plans of their respective governments. Google has decided to follow the policies of Donald Trump and began to restrict the access of Huawei phones to their operating system Android, which does not mean that those who have this brand will stop working, at least not for the moment.

Recall that the long trade war between Trump and Xi Jingping who started in 2018, after almost an agreement, it has become tense and is stronger than ever since tariffs on imports of Chinese products have increased 10% to 25%. Last Tuesday On 21/05, after banning US companies from using Chinese products, President Trump gave Huawei 90 days before the measure was implemented.

According to the opinion column published on Tuesday 22/05 in the agency Bloomberg by journalist Conorr Sen, the companies of Silicon Valley they suffer the most, in principle, as we said, Google. Although the reporter asks: Is there a way for technology companies to adhere to Donald Trump's characteristic protectionism and stop counting on foreign companies, globalization and the scope they achieve? The answer this gives is: yes, it is possible.

However, this adaptation would imply a change of objectives and even an economic model, the objective being only to satisfy the bases of the country, in this case the United States. On the contrary, my main reason is to break the boundaries.

In the opinion, the reporter gives as an example Amazon, one of the city's technology companies that has opened up to other markets, such as national security. Amazon has set up its second headquarters in North America Virginia, near the FBI, Pentagon and other national security apparatus.

At the same time its founder, Jeff Bezos carries out various projects such as creating a device allowing the man to live on the moon. Of course, it is not one of the pillars of society, which is an e-commerce platform.

Although for Silicon Valley, The restrictions imposed by the government are not the only ones since companies such as Facebook or many international organizations want to control it. Since the case of Russia's interference in the elections of the EUnited States 2016, in which Mark Zuckerberg is involved, the vision and mission of the world's largest social networkor is in check Another episode that has marked it is the recent mbadacre in the mosque of Chistchurch in New Zealand since the badbadin released the moment of attack via Facebook Live.

Therefore the European Union already proposed different projects to impose a fine on the company, and not just for that, but because Google they own almost 80% of Internet advertising, which is also detrimental to the digital media business model. However, there is something worse, it is the role that Facebook when it comes to spreading messages that encourage extremism, polarization and the strength of white supremacists.

This Wednesday 22/05, the militant organization of ion the left, Avaaz, has published a report about a network of extreme right Facebook accounts that spread fake news and hate speech to millions of people in Europe. Just one day before the start of the European Parliament elections, which puts politicians and regulators on the alert for these opportunities.

We found 300 suspicious groups and pages of Facebook is present in France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland and Spain. The majority disseminated false news or used fake pages and fake profiles to artificially improve the content of parties or sites supporting right-wing ideologies, such as merchants of the Holcausto. However, the most frightening was that the lies and messages broadcast in general were related to political issues, among which: Catalan independence, Brexit and the development of the right in Italy.

"We thank Avaaz for sharing their research so that we can study them, as we have said, we are committed to protecting the integrity of the elections in the European Union and in the world" , said a spokesman for Facebook after confirming that the pages had been removed to avoid another episode like the Trump elections or the Brexit referendum.


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