The family of the medical inspector accuses the father-in-law of hiring a murderer to kill him – 04/02/2019


Claudio Fillip (55) speaks so fast that he gets lost and has to go back to order. He falls as he can into the tragedy that has stopped time. His walls became empty to remind him: he was about to paint them when they killed their son Braian in a corner of Victoria. Now, in this same house, he asks to know the truth.

Braian Fillip (28), a medical visitor from San Fernando, was shot in the head twice last Thursday. It was in Lavalle at 28:00, a few blocks from Victoria Station. They first thought that it was a robbery or a fight in the street because of a road accident.

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But when the security cameras reconstructed the course of the black Fiat 147 in which the killer was moving, the investigators found that this hooded man had gone straight to kill Braian. He dropped him off and shot him in the head, and then finished on the ground. The main suspect is a fugitive: a Venezuelan woman named Roswil Nelson Belisario worked as a mechanic for the victim's father-in-law and also made "changas".

Roswil Belisario, 31, a Venezuelan painter, planned the crime of medical visitor Braian Fillip (28) for a month. They believe that after the homicide, he escaped to Brazil by land.

Roswil Belisario, 31, a Venezuelan painter, planned the crime of medical visitor Braian Fillip (28) for a month. They believe that after the homicide, he escaped to Brazil by land.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

For this reason, and because of the previous fighting of the victim with his father-in-law – a San Fernando doctor – the family is addressing the father of Sofia (24 years old), Braian's girlfriend and mother of this child of three years. half they had.

This Thursday was not a day either. Braian had signed a lease agreement allowing him to leave his mother's house and move into a new apartment. What he had not said to his parents, is that this place this would be the first step of a new startHe wanted to relive the mother of his daughter, whom he had separated a little earlier. They had spent that night together and when they killed him, only a few minutes had pbaded before he said goodbye to Sofia at the train station.

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Sofia met her five years ago. They went out together while she was studying to become an air hostess and he, the medical visitor career. "Everything became complicated when Sofia became pregnant." She was studying to become a stewardess and, when the father learned, she got angry, started wanting to separate them, told her that if she stayed with Braian He was going to drive her out of the house, he wanted to convince her not to have the baby but my son is opposed to it. She decided to stay at home and they finally separated, "says Claudio Clarin, convinced that it was the beginning of everything.

"After several turns, she stayed in the father's house and separated from my son, he wanted to be attentive to controls, to pregnancy, to be present, but she stopped responding to messages and then they fought." remember Braian's father, a lawyer who works at Martinez.

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What happened between them is unclear, but the truth is that the The court ordered Braian to restrict his perimeter so as not to approach Sofia. According to the investigators, "there was violence while she was pregnant".

"After that, the family court re-established links between the three people, a social worker, friends or mother had visits and they came together," said a spokesman for justice. Clarin.

Claudio explains: "When the baby was born, we discovered it by chance because my ex-wife called the clinic. We could not meet her for a year and a half, approximately, for all this problem. Sofía's father never wanted my son to approach, I do not know why. Braian even had to make a DNA to allow him to have visitors. And he understood, little by little, they started to see each other. They had a relationship of separated parents, as far as we know it was normal. "

Braian Fillip was 28 years old and was shot by a masked man in San Fernando.

Braian Fillip was 28 years old and was shot by a masked man in San Fernando.

"My princess," said Braian to his daughter as he tried to reconcile with his mother to start a family. Since they could rebuild in their environment, they had been together for about two weeks. So much so that the last night was spent by three of them in the same house. Before he was killed, Braian went to leave his daughter to his in-laws, Sofia, at Victoria Station and he was coming back to start the move when he was surprised by the killer.

So Roswil Belisario (31) followed medical visitor Braian Fillip (28) to kill him

So Roswil Belisario (31) followed medical visitor Braian Fillip (28) to kill him

According to the survey, the murderer was Venezuelan Roswil Nelson Belisario (31 years old). According to Sofia, before the Court, she "met three or four times" this young man. "Then he wanted to cut and he insisted that she continue with him," they said. For this reason, one of the badumptions is that the Venezuelan murdered Braian when he discovered that he was reconciling with Sofia.

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But for the Fillip family, this version is incoherent: "Why did a guy who came out only three times with a girl died for her?" Her car was also found in a hangar belonging to Sofia's father, where there were weapons Without signing up, they were painting it, imagine that he had time to do all that, "speculates Claudio.

The car of Roswil Belisario (31), half painted in the gallon of Braian's father-in-law.

The car of Roswil Belisario (31), half painted in the gallon of Braian's father-in-law.

And he closes: "What I want is that both of them are imprisoned, that they both fall into all this. The Venezuelan and the father of this girl. Let this kid say he was paid to kill my son. We just want to know the truth. "


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