The father of the missionary killed by an isolated tribe blamed "extreme Christianity" for the tragic end of his son


In the middle of the pain, Patrick Chau blamed the missionary community of the United States for the tragic end of John Allen, his son, who died after being pierced by an arrow when he tried to carry "the word of God"To the inhabitants of the North Sentinel Island, India.

Patrick does not doubt that it was a "extreme" vision of Christianity which led John Allen to take the risk of the ultimate consequences, as revealed The Guardian.

Photographer Christian Caron depicted the tribe in 2005.
Photographer Christian Caron depicted the tribe in 2005.

Even with the untimely suffering that caused John's death, Patrick described his 26 year old son as a "Innocent child" and regretted that he let himself be dragged by the religious obsession to spread the gospel in what the young man would have called "the last fortress of Satan".

John's conviction led him to violate all safety rules that apply to sentinels, a tribe of about 150 people who live isolated.

John's body remains on the earth that he believed I had to christianize and it is unlikely that they will recover it. In fact, a group of experts asked the Indian authorities not to try it because of the risks that this could entail for the tribe.

Photographer Christian Caron depicted the tribe in 2005.
Photographer Christian Caron depicted the tribe in 2005.

Contrary to what his father believes, part of the evangelical world has made John a "martyr" However, after the case had attracted the attention of the media, in social networks, many considered that the young missionary's action was an act of carelessness.

In addition, Justin Graves, pastor and friend of John, blamed the Gospel culture: "It can not be left as a mere tragedy", highlights his death problems of evangelical points of view and an ethic based on hell ".


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