The father of the overcrowded brothers: "My children were excellent pilots and very responsible" – 18/07/2018


There is no feeling of revenge, no thirst for justice or resentment. Four days after the death of two of his sons, crushed at dawn on Saturday a few blocks from his home in Adrogué, Alfredo Palavecino barely managed to utter a sentence without interrupting his own cry: "C & # 39; is terrible to see her picture in Everywhere and realize that you have become famous for something like this. I do not know how I will continue . "Alfredo's son and his sister Maricel were badaulted and abandoned at the corner of Seguí and Hipólito Yrigoyen by a man who was aboard a car.The 26-year-old man died instantly and his sister, 25 years old, died at El Cruce hospital in Florencio Varela two days later.

The family still could not meet the remains of the victims, and at this moment to achieve it, that's all what cares about their loved ones. "I do not care what's going on with this person because no one is giving it back to my kids. All I want is that the judge give me his body so that I can send him back in peace "says Alfredo. The boys were on their way to a recital of a DJ in Lomas de Zamora. They both traveled on the same motorcycle and one friend escorted them to another. It is this young man who, once the accident occurred, sued the driver who fled the motorcycle with his motorcycle.

"I know by witnesses that as soon as they both fall, my daughter and I Is lifted and sat down.He grabbed the cellphone, called a friend and told him "Come on, Carla, because we hit a stick with Fredy & # 39; So, if at that time, this person lifted and transported her, able to have her always, "says the man who still does not let the shock. The friend of the brothers followed the detainee now, identified as Oscar Eduardo Pantaleón Flores, he received threats from the driver but he managed to take a picture where the car's patent was registered, a fact that has served to capture the motorist.

  Alfredo and Maricel Palavecino. A driver overthrew them and killed them in Adrogué

Alfredo and Maricel Palavec Ino, a driver knocked them down and killed them in Adrogué.

This information also served to discover that the Volkswagen Senda was not his property, but that the owner was a woman who had left it in a mechanical workshop a few days ago for repair. "We ask for justice, sure witnesses and some investigation of my children, because we know that the environment of this arrested person was raising signatures to accuse them of wanting to rob him." My son did not have to go flying, no matter who in the National Motor Racing category knows who Fredy Palavecino was, "Alfredo says.

The young man was working in a National Tourism mechanical workshop, and his sister at a gas station near his house. Both were motorcycle fans and, according to their father, responsible for driving safety. "They had already had some accidents, they were not friends, they knew what they were exposed to, they were excellent pilots, known in the neighborhood for that," he says, and can not contain his admiration. My daughter worked and bought her motorcycle and helmet. You saw his house and everything was ordered. And my son was proud, I saw him on TV in all competitions. He was my idol and no longer there, "he babbled.