The Fauci again warned of an increase in coronavirus cases – Telam


Fauci warns of rising coronavirus cases in US

Fauci warns of rising coronavirus cases in US

Virologist Anthony Fauci, chief medical officer to President Joe Biden, warned on Sunday that the United States could face a “significant increase in the peak of infections” of the coronavirus in the coming days and despite the vaccination campaign rigorous, it is therefore necessary to maintain precautions. and care.

“In recent weeks, after very high peaks of infections, the plateau has been reached at levels higher than desirable: it is between 20 and 30,000 infections per day. Lately we’ve seen a rebound of 30, 40, 50,000 cases. , and last week in the last three days it was 63,000 “, described the specialist.

“Our concern is that this upward trend could lead to a significant increase in the peak of infections”, warned the virologist, during an interview on the Italian television channel RAI 3, replied by the ANSA agency.

Fauci’s analysis comes as the United States marks a new milestone in coronavirus vaccination with 4.6 million doses administered in the past 24 hours, after White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients , reported Friday that some three million vaccines were administered daily in the country.

“A new record,” said Cyrus Shahpar, head of vaccination at the White House, on Twitter.

So far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that more than 183 million doses have been applied, with 45 percent of adults receiving at least one dose and 27 million receiving both.

Biden offered 200 million vaccinations by the end of April

Biden offered 200 million vaccinations by the end of April

Back in January, Biden pledged at least 100 million doses would be given in the first 100 days of his tenure, a goal that was met after just 60 days, so he offered 200 million vaccinations before the end of the month of April.

Despite the speed of the vaccination campaign and its recent record high, the spread of the virus continues to increase and in the last day more than 80,000 new cases have been reported, according to official data.

“We hope that as the number of people vaccinated increases over the weeks, that growth will be slowed down, but we still don’t know for sure. In some states, such as Michigan, New York and New Jersey, infections have started to rise again. Instead of that. stabilize, and that’s worrying, ”said Fauci, for his part.

The spike is especially pronounced in Michigan, where the weekly average of new daily infections reached 6,719 on Sunday, more than double the number two weeks earlier.

Likewise, Biden’s medical consultant predicted that once the entire population has been vaccinated, consideration will be given to “seriously donating surplus vaccines to countries in need”, although “for now” country no. have none, and that he hopes that in September (end of summer) will return to “some form of normalcy, limiting restrictions and increasing travel flexibility”.

The United States, the country hardest hit by the pandemic, has racked up 81,376 infections and 904 deaths in the past 24 hours, according to the CDC, bringing the cumulative totals to 30.8 and 558,028, respectively.


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