The Fed has applied a historic low on rates and the news brings relief to Argentina


The US Federal Reserve confirmed Wednesday its decision to lower interest rates for the first time in more than a decade. This news has been a relief for Argentina and other emerging countries, which will regain its appeal. for foreign investments.

The US monetary authority announced this afternoon that the level of its returns would drop by a quarter of a point, which would remain between 2 and 2.25%, as provided by financial specialists.

"The Committee seeks to promote maximum employment and price stability. Given the implications of global developments on the economic landscape and inflationary pressures, the Committee decided to reduce the federal funds target range from 2 to 2-1 / 4%, "the statement said. from the US central bank.

In the same document, it was added that "this action confirms the committee's opinion that the most likely results are the sustained expansion of economic activity, the strength of the labor market conditions and inflation close to the symmetrical target of the 2% of the committee ", but uncertainties persist about this perspective. "

"As the Committee reviews the future trend of the federal funds rate target range, it will continue to monitor the implications of the new information for the economic landscape and act appropriately to support the expansion, with strong labor market and near inflation. symmetrical goal of 2%, "adds the text signed by members of the small table of the Fed.

Good news

The Fed's decision is good news for the Argentine economy, which is one of the most exposed to the dollar's rise in the moments of extreme tension in the trade dispute that US President Donald Trump has intensified with China.

Now, with a less attractive rate, international investment flows should focus again on the positions of the emerging economies, which should ease tensions in the local currency market, where the dollar has remained almost unchanged. over $ 45, on retail signs.


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