The Federal Chamber has overturned the prosecution of Paolo Rocca in the cause of the notebooks – 15/04/2019


The federal chamber revoked the treatment of Paolo Rocca, CEO of the Techint group, in the cause of Cuadernos de las Coimas. Rocca, the most important businessman among those who had been the subject of an investigation in the case that began with the information contained in the notebooks of the Former driver Oscar Centeno was tried in November by order of Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio, who also had an embargo for 4,000 million pesos.

The businessman appealed this decision saying he did not know the payments made by the directors of their companies to the representatives of the government of Kirchner, which were recorded in the books of the former driver of Roberto Baratta, number 2 of the Ministry of Planning led by Julio De Vido under the governments of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner.

The judges Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi, according to portal Infobae, responded to Rocca's request and thus canceled the treatment that weighed on Rocca.

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Two hierarchical employees of Techint, Héctor Zabaleta and Luis Betnazaadmitted to the courts that he had paid bribes to Kirchner officials at different times, as Centeno's annotations indicate, although the company claimed that it was money to ensure the departure of its staff from Venezuela during the highly controversial process of nationalization of the metallurgical Sidor, which Hugo Chavez Techint expropriated.

According to the Federal Chamber, although Rocca occupies the highest position of the group of companies, "It can not be inferred" that the contractor was aware of these payments, because of the "strong diversification" of holdings.

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