The Federation of Volunteer Firefighters suppresses collaboration on civil defense


From the Chubut Volunteer Firefighters Federation, they reported sending a letter to Governor Mariano Arcioni intimidating him to cancel the historic $ 672,000 debt that the province maintains with the firefighter system and announced the withdrawal from collaboration with the Civil Defense, with the exception of those situations where people's lives are in danger.

The Chubut Volunteer Firefighters Federation said today that it had sent a letter to the governor, Mariano Arcioni, asking him to cancel the $ 672,000 historic debt the province has with the province. the fire prevention system.

The representatives of the Federation indicated that this measure was taken "after having exhausted all the administrative and institutional channels and that it had not received a response" and that it "also imposed on it pay the 2018 grant and generate the 2019 grant files. "

At the same time, they informed the Civil Defense of Chubut that "they will take restrictive measures with regard to the service at the request of this direction. Except in situations where people's lives are in danger. "

Finally, they confirmed that these measures will not affect the service in the urban ejido: "A 100% service is guaranteed only in the urban ejido area corresponding to each association".

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