The fence is closed: Spain, the United States and Canada have joined the investigations against magistrate José Luis Vargas


(Photo: Twitter @JL_VargasV)
(Photo: Twitter @JL_VargasV)

After the announcement of his dismissal from the Federal Judicial Power Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF), the authorities indicated that the magistrate José Luis Vargas Valdez he is still under fire on charges of tax offenses.

However, the investigations transcended themselves, because after the investigations of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), and having left the case in the hands of the Attorney General’s office, several countries joined the cause, according to the newspaper Millennium.

Henceforth, the public official is the subject of an investigation by the United States Department of the Treasury, for Spain and for Canadareported journalist Jannet López Ponce.

According to the media, each of the authorities ask for feedback on complaints from the FIU that you indicate that you participated in acts of illicit enrichment, money laundering, as well as the triangulation of resources with shell companies.

These would presumably be those three countries where Vargas traveled most frequently for a period of time that spans several years, so they will look for unusual activities that allow them to freeze their accounts, they confirmed.

(Photo: Twitter / JL_VargasV)
(Photo: Twitter / JL_VargasV)

It was on July 19, 2021 that the Financial Intelligence Unit reported the disagreement appeal against José Luis Vargas Valdez, who was still president of TEPJF.

In addition, he reported that a complaint was filed on June 22 against two natural persons and four legal persons for the crime of illicit enrichment by money laundering.

According to the report of the Unit, José Luis would have exploited financial and corporate instruments in which they found themselves various deposits in bank accounts a relative who is not directly linked to what was declared to the tax authorities.

Also, transfers abroad and constitution of unjustified legal persons, who would have acted as shell company fundraisers, only to find themselves later without functionality.

But this is not the only complaint against him, since a complaint had also been filed against the president of the highest electoral body on November 28, 2020 for irregular movements in the financial system which They did not coincide with their statements to the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)

Vargas He graduated in law from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and Master in Public Law from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

In the course of its trajectory it has been Head of Unit at the Center for National Security and Investigation (CISEN) from 2007 to 2010, as well as Head of the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Election Crimes (FEADLE), with the rank of Deputy Prosecutor in the late Prosecutor’s Office (PGR), from 2010 to 2012.

However, on November 4, 2016, under the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), He was appointed Electoral Magistrate of the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF.

In his capacity as President of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF), joined in November 2020, where he was elected with four votes in favor, overtaking Judge Reyes Rodríguez who only got three.


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