The fictitious project of Lázaro Báez was to build a hotel on a paradise island of Belize – 04/11/2019


Austral Construcciones' project to invest $ 100 million in 2009 in the frustrated construction of a hotel on a paradise island in Belize has "Fictional", according to the economic criminal judge, Javier López Biscayart. The maneuver allowed Lazaro Báez's flagship building to add $ 56 million of "compensation" in its 2011 balance. The sum is almost the same as that studied by washing in the monetary channel K.

This historical fact is found in López Biscayart's lawsuit on Wednesday against Báez, three of his children and Australian leaders. In calligraphy, he determined, for example, that the signature of Andres Soria in this confidence it was wrongand therefore the employee was dismissed by the magistrate. In this case, AFIP claims that Báez 1,754 million pesos, interest included and a possible fine if he is sentenced to 2 to 10 times the amount avoided.

In the balance sheets of Austral, the payment of this "compensation" was recorded for $ 56 million with the so-called Transnational Group Trust Fund 2009 (FITA), responsible for the construction of the hotel. on Caye Chapel Islandwhich is 35 kilometers from Belize. FITA, said Austral's balance sheets consisted of the offshore company "J + J Holding" domiciled in Curacao and benefitting from the "contribution of funds" from another company: "Nederlandsche Fisheries NV" . Austral invested when Néstor Kirchner was still alive. Another company called "Benasque Invest Inc." is expected to provide a lot for the construction of the hotel in this island of Belize and Austral Construcciones SA, a trustee to invest $ 100,000,000.

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Before this explanation that appeared in the balance sheets, Lopez Biscayart asked the authorities of Curaçao – which is an autonomous territory of the Netherlands – to rely on "J + J Holding NV" – the advance payment of compensation – and "Nederlandsche Fishiers NV" and has not been answered. However, he found that the "FITA I 2009" he was not registered as a taxpayer with the Uruguay Revenue Authority, it also has no stamp that authenticates it, as it would correspond.

In turn, Panama replied that "Benasque Invest Inc." did not record trades on this market and was registered in 1990 with a capital of 500 dollars. In addition, he said that the mysterious company Kitwe Park International Corporation – which, at Austral's request, had received compensation of 1,500,000 US dollars – also did not record the movements, which meant that 39, it was two paper companies.

Striking fact, the alleged compensation paid by "Benasque Invest Inc." was "filed in liquid in the main account of Banco Nación which registers Austral Construcciones SA, therefore unable to identify the traceability of the currency in other countries ".

In this context, the AFIP audit established that "it is clear that disproportionate compensation for an unrealized project for which there is no evidence of investment or costs incurred by Austral, as well as by simple mediation, the trust will be accepted without further questioning of the amount of this indemnity. "Therefore, he has concluded that these revenues "did not correspond to actual remuneration, but to a return to the fund company. previously stolen"Of the legal financial system.

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Lopez Biscayart badumed that in addition to the tax evasion, there had been a cleaning maneuver and sent an extract of testimony to the federal court, which finally ruled out the possibility of investigating the true origin of this money black.

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