The Financial Times newspaper states that "investors are excited about the signs of Argentina"


For the British newspaper The Financial Times, Argentina tells investors to regain their enthusiasm and return to the country.

With the headline "Investors are excited about the signals of Argentina", the note emphasizes that the markets are coming back "after the defeat of the beginning of the year".

However, the financial report indicates that inflation should slow down towards the end of the year.

"Not so long ago, the markets were" on sale "in Argentina, the currency was falling, inflation was skyrocketing and shares were not going anywhere, while The country's resistance to charm was increasing their past populist politics, "the paper said in a note published last Friday.

But, according to the Financial, the announcement of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic in April, when it decided that it would not allow the floating of the peso (thanks to an agreement with the IMF), as well as some economic data Improving the outlook (dollar still, lower inflation rates) have led investors to "quickly change their minds".


"Macri recently announced a change of political center with the election of Miguel Ángel Pichetto, leader of the 68-year-old Peronist majority in the Senate, as his vice-presidential candidate," describes the newspaper in the world's finance.

In this way, and "by broadening its electoral appeal, Macri hopes to increase its popularity, which has collapsed due to the growing poverty rate and strict austerity measures put in place by the government to rid the country of country of its financial imbalances ".


About Cristina Kirchner, said it was a "surprise" that was not presented as a presidential candidate and placed the "most moderate" Alberto Fernandez at this location.

But also, warns about the "dangers" that could cause Kirchner's return to power in Argentina.

To discuss this, the Financial Times interviewed Jan Dehn, head of research at Ashmore, based in London. "Peronism will take the life of Argentina and we will see a default.If the coalition with her (Cristina Kirchner) prevails, the stock price will fall," he said.


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