The fire has stopped in Gran Canaria, the worst recorded in Spain in six years | Chronic


The most serious fire recorded in Spain in the last six years and which was declared this Saturday afternoon on the island of Gran Canaria began to fade after touching more than 10,000 hectares.

"Fire gives back and loses potential"the president of the Canary Islands told the local media, Angel victor torreswho explained that "The change of the wind direction and the descent of the temperatures helped the tasks for its extinction".

In addition, he added that 1,100 firefighters had been deployed Monday, as well as 14 planes dropping water to fight the fire. The local government said some 6,000 hectares (14,800 acres) had been charred in just 48 hours, villages had been evacuated and two dozen roads had been closed.

The fire, in addition to affecting more than 10,000 hectares, caused the evacuation of some 9,000 people and damaged some 2,000 buildings.

9 thousand people had to be evacuated. (Twitter)

"It's an unprecedented environmental disaster on the island" which affected more than 150 species of terrestrial plants, endemic to this island territory, according to EFE, director of the Canarian Botanical Garden "Viera y Clavijo", Julio Caujapé.

Every summer, Spain suffers the scourge of forest fires, aggravated in recent years by rising temperatures.

From January 1 to August 11 this year, there were 8,302 fires, which burned a total of 57,697 hectares.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) says that fire "reacts to the new type of fire closely related to climate change and extreme weather conditions, with heat waves, low humidity, below normal and strong winds".

The fire touched more than 10,000 hectares

The most serious incencio recorded in Spain during these six years. (Twitter)


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