The firm's travels: who leads the ranking and the most curious destinations


Gustavo Santos, Secretary of Tourism, has spent 226 days out of the country since taking office in 2015; followed by Sergio Bergman and Fulvio Pompeo Source: archive

A minister who has traveled more than seven months, officials who have added more than 30 international tours in the last three years and counselors trained for a month abroad.

These are some of the most telling data from the official information that the team of

Marcos Peña

He published in the report that he will present today before the Senate. Prior to the consultation of a Senator from Neuquén, they offered Casa Rosada a table with all trips abroad by officials of the rank and hierarchy of minister

Mauricio Macri


THE NATION Data badyzed the travel data, which were centralized in Balcarce 50 since the routes require the compliance of the chief of staff.

The former minister and current secretary of tourism, José Gustavo, has spent more days out of the country.


. He spent 226 days abroad, more than seven months in the direction of Mauricio Macri. The manager responsible for promoting tourism in Argentina made 35 trips to attend the World Tourism Organization, meet CEOs of hotels, airlines and operators, and attend fairs and seminars. He has visited several European countries, such as Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and France, as well as a good part of Latin America, including Cuba, Peru, El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile.

He is followed in the ranking by the secretary of the environment,

Sergio Bergman

this since December 2015 was 120 days (almost four months) of trips abroad. He made 20 trips, mainly to attend meetings due to climate change and environmental issues. During his longer travels, the official made four eleven – day trips, one to Germany and Italy, the other to Chile and Germany and two to Israel.

The third person in charge of the biggest international tour is the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo. He is a man of extreme confidence of Mauricio Macri and a brain for foreign policy. So it was he who escorted the president in his international missions for 117 days. Pompeo made 34 trips, most of them short, to accompany the head of state, except when he went to the United States to meet officials from the US Department of State. State, Pentagon and security of this country.

The secretary of the Federal Media System,

Hernán Lombardi

; the secretary of science and technology,

Lino Barañao

and the former Minister of Health

Jorge Lemus

are the other officials who have spent more than a hundred days outside the country. Lombardi has made 17 trips, including 13 across France, to participate in the International Exhibition Bureau (IBE) or to sign agreements. Barañao made 14 trips and visited several corners of the world such as Mozambique, Ksajistán, Jordan, Norway and Singapore to attend forums and seminars. Lemus spent 105 days abroad during his 23 months of management.

BICE President Francisco Cabrera, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich and Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne round out the top 10 trips, which had to go to the United States to negotiate with the IMF. Also with the head of the Secretariat of Integrated Drug Policies of the Argentine Nation (Sedronar), Roberto Moro. He has made 17 trips to countries such as Bulgaria, Italy and Kenya, among others, to participate in meetings, trainings and commissions.

One of the longest trips was that faced by four Cabinet Office officials in Perth, Australia, for 31 days to attend a Landgate training program. It is followed by a 22-day trip from another manager of the same portfolio in Paris and Geneva as part of the G20 organization. Santos spent 18 days in Malaga, Madrid and Istanbul to attend various meetings.

Santos, tourism, and Guillermo Dietrich, transport; the second went to Miami for a cruise event
Santos, tourism, and Guillermo Dietrich, transport; the second went to Miami for a cruise event Source: archive

Some official trips have sparked curiosities, such as the trip to Mauritius of a media systems advisor to badist Chamamé's badembly as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Among the trips on strike is a mission to Miami by the Minister of Transport,

Guillermo Dietrich

, to participate in a major 8-day travel and cruise event, scheduled for April in Las Vegas and Cannes, for four senior staff who will attend renowned shows to enhance the Cont platform .Ar.


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