The first 19,890 doses of Pfizer have already arrived in Santa Fe and will be aimed at teenagers


A complex vaccine

Pfizer “has significant complexity not only in the cold chain and in the transport which requires 80 degrees below zero, but also in the handling of the vaccine from the logistics of the cold to the preparation,” said the official who explained. that this is the reason why the application will begin to be carried out in the large vaccination centers of Rosario and Santa Fe.

“We will start this week in the city of Rosario and in Santa Fe, doing the first tests since it is the fourth vaccine that we are receiving with different logistics, ”added Martorano.

In fact, this made it necessary weeks ago to carry out training for the vaccinators of the province which allows them to know in detail the procedure of application of this vaccine.

The continuity of the campaign

Regarding the results of the vaccination operation, the Minister stressed that “it is positive, thanks to the commitment of health workers at all levels, from the reception of vaccines, storage with all the relevant care, until ‘to the arming of every Santa Fe. and Santa Fé. There is great logistics, commitment and excellent work ”.

He also added that “52 percent of the population is on the full diet and we are ready to vaccinate 54,000 people a day as we have already done “and he stressed that now the arrival of more vaccines should continue with this mega-operation”.

The eye on advertisements

National announcements of the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti and the new chief of staff, Juan ManzurNew openings and changes in personal care measures were also on the Santa Fe minister’s agenda.

“These definitions require a decree which ratifies them”Martorano noted. And he warned: “It’s not there yet, but from there each province will determine whether or not I adhere to the concepts it deems relevant. Remember that this starts from October 1 and that it is necessary wait for the decrees. “

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