The first big discount for the Fortnite World Cup prize


After Thiago Lapp finished fifth in the first World Cup final, many users began speculating on the remaining percentage.

After the last days of July, 13-year-old Argentinean Thiago Lapp was known to be fifth in the finals of the first Fortnite Video Game World Cup, priced at $ 900,000, in the networks. many users. They began to speculate on the percentage that would remain after paying taxes. Does the withholding of 35% of earnings apply in this case? Do you pay in Argentina or the United States?Where was the competition? Is he subject to tax or his parents, since he is a minor?

Lapp dI had to pay 30% in the US and 5% of the total or 35% of the surplus to AFIP. The amount payable for taxes would therefore be USD 315,000. And the first withholding tax has already taken effect in the price they attributed to it in New York: the United States withheld $ 270,000 for 30% of the price. So, you can see in the details that Lapp posted on his Twitter account. An excerpt that includes all the prizes won in July in electronic sports.

On the last weekend of July, Epic Games (developer of the video game) organized the first Fortnite World Cup. There were two competitions: the doubles final (50 teams simultaneously) and the solo final (one hundred rivals), played at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, better known for the US Open tennis matches than for electronic sports

Known as King (@ K1nGOD, on Twitter), Lapp released the after tax list several days after announcing that he was now a "free agent" in the world of electronic sports.

"I'm separating from 9zTeam, which means I'm looking for a new organization within Fortnite, and offers or related questions can be sent to my mail," he said in a brief declaration. King cuenga has more than 77,000 Twitch subscribers, 74,000 YouTube subscribers, 121,000 Twitter subscribers and 225,000 Instagram subscribers.

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