The first island in Latin America believed to be COVID-19 free


Galapagos, the Ecuadorian island which is an oasis for tourism world, seek to become the first be free of Coronavirus throughout Latin America.

According to their authorities, all Adults who reside there will be fully vaccinated against mayonnaise. The territory is made up of 234 islands and a population of 30 thousand inhabitants.

The Galapagos had to pass 4 months strictly contained when the first case was detected on the island. Another of the activities that was affected on the island -in addition to tourism- were the isurveys.

Many specialists from all over the world who have come here to investigate a particular species have had to return to their countries.

Galapagos reopened its borders in July but did not allow the entry of 6 thousand tourists per month. To enter, visitors must present a negative PCR.

The tourism sector has ceased to receive $ 850 million in turnover between March 2020 and March 2021.

With the full vaccination of its adult population by May, the Galapagos would be the first island on the mainland to be free from the virus.


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