The first picture of a black hole | A hello ad …


This morning, for the first time, science unveiled the image of a huge black hole, a phenomenon that researchers have been studying for years but that until now could not be described. The announcement of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Event Horizon Telescope team (EHT, a consortium of observatories around the world) could notably validate the theory of general relativity of Albert Einstein in conditions of extreme gravity. of a black hole, the scientific community was waiting for it with great expectations.

The announcement was made at six simultaneous press conferences in Belgium, Santiago, Chile, Tokyo, Shanghai, Washington and Taipei, while meetings of astronomy specialists were scheduled in research centers from different parts of the world. , discuss the announcement. In Argentina, the meeting takes place at the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Informatics of the National University of Cordoba, where is held the international conference GRAV19, whose participants will follow "the transcendent announcement" of the ESO and EHT on giant screens, in one version in English and one in Spanish.

The observations made by the EHT observatories were aimed at obtaining an image of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way and another hole in the center of the M87 galaxy estimated to be 1,500 times larger. .


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