The first shipment of 900 tons of medical equipment from Cuba and China has arrived – Telam


The Venezuelan Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarado, today announced the arrival of 933 tons of medicines and medical equipment from Cuba, China – allies of the government of Nicolás Maduro -, from the United States. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and "some direct purchases" from the Ministry.

"At this moment, we are receiving, they are already there, 64 containers with different types of drugs, they have 933 tons of health supplies," said a Chavez official in a statement to the national channel VTV from the port of The Guaira, capital of the state of Vargas (north) and near Caracas.

Alvarado, who announced the arrival of these drugs at a time when the National Assembly, controlled by the opposition, demands that humanitarian aid be admitted to the country because of the crisis of the health sector, said that Venezuela was receiving "on a regular basis" medicines and medical equipment.


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