The first submissive man evolves favorably …


Félix Gretarsson, first man to receive a transplant of both shoulders and both arms, is progressing favorably at the Edouard Herriot clinic in Lyon, France. I’m starting to think of them as my own», Declared Felix Gretarsson about his new arms, grafted a week ago at the level of the shoulders, in an unprecedented operation.

This “bilateral arm and shoulder transplant”, carried out at the Edouard Herriot hospital, lasted 15 hours and “required the mobilization of numerous public and private medical and health teams in the territory”, specified the Hospices Civiles of Lyon (HCL).

According to local media, the 48-year-old patient had both arms amputated at the age of 26, after being electrocuted by a high-voltage line.

After his intervention, Gretarsson pointed out the weekly Tribune what is “very good“although he explained that”everything was very painful“The first 24 hours were horrible,” he said.

Gretarsson said that although he takes a lot of pain relievers, he feels better every day. “I am very optimistic to regain some mobility,” he added.

Accompanied by his wife Silvia, Félix must spend another three weeks in the hospital before being transferred to a physical rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation service, near Lyon.

In 1998, already in Lyon, the team of Professor Jean Michel Dubernard performed a first transplant of one hand, then in January 2000 another of both hands and the lower forearms.


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