The first vaccines were for his family | It is…


Ecuadorian Minister of Health Juan Carlos Zevallos has tendered his resignation after the scandal over the secret vaccinations of his relatives and friends. Zevallos may still face arraignment by the Ecuadorian National Assembly, while President Lenín Moreno calls for the good of the former Minister of Health to be remembered.

The Resignation of Zevallos he was made public by Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno who shared the former minister’s letter on his Twitter page. He also accompanied it with a message that embraces the leadership that has attracted so much criticism in the country. “There are those who only see the mistakes. I respect that opinion. I prefer to remember the Minister who accepted the difficult task of leading the country’s health in the worst health crisis Ecuador and the world are experiencing, and who, with work and sacrifice, helped save hundreds of thousands lives, ”Moreno wrote.

In the letter, Zevallos does not refer to the fact that forced him to resign: the vaccination of his mother and several of his relatives. “In view of the current political situation, and in order to allow the continuity” of the vaccination plan “ wrote the former minister. He also presented his general vision of the management which began on March 21, 2020 at the head of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health, in one of the most difficult times of the covid-19 pandemic.

“Health policies will allow more than two million people to be vaccinated until the end of his government,” Zevallos added in his letter. Former health chief to be investigated for suspected influence peddling when it was discovered that her relatives – including the mother who lives in the nursing home of a private clinic – were vaccinated with the first doses entered the country exclusively through the government. In January, with the arrival of nearly 42,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, a vaccination process began which suffered several delays. and that it sought to immunize frontline health workers as well as residents of geriatric centers.

The candidate of the Union for Hope (UNES) party and winner of the first round of the presidential election, Andres Arauz, evokes the cases of secret vaccines which transcend the country.

President Lenin Moreno, for his part, came out to deny his relatives had been among the cases of secret vaccinations this forced the resignation of the head of health. We also knew that academic, political veterans, sports leaders Yes journalists were considered for vaccination with the first doses of the drug that entered Ecuador. Nail Administrative agent social security was lacking to be one of the first people to be vaccinated with the first doses entering the country

The Moreno government assures – through the now former minister – that it has negotiated the purchase of 20 million doses of the drug Sinovac produced in China and that it will also receive British vaccines from AstraZeneca. In addition, the country will receive vaccines under the COVAX initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) so that the poorest countries have access to the vaccine. In this same context, the WHO warns that the richest countries have accumulated more doses than the population of their country needs.

On the other hand, the government of Lenín Moreno has been strongly criticized for the massacres that took place in Ecuadorian prisons and which resulted in the deaths of 79 people deprived of their liberty. It was one of the most important massacres in the history of the country.


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