The "flying soldier" who surprised the national holiday in France


French watercraft world champion Franky Zapata presented an impressive futuristic show at the traditional July 14 parade in Paris. A rifle in his hand, several tens of meters above the ground on his Flyboard, a machine of his invention, the "Thief" conquered the Champs-Elysees.

This flying platform, propelled by five reactors, "will test different uses, for example a flying logistics platform or an badault platform" for the military, said Defense Minister Florence Parly.

Champion of Europe and the world of jet-skiing, this 40 year old Marseillaise flew for the first time in the water. A true autonomous flying machine powered by kerosene, the machine is equipped with five mini-turbojet engines enabling it to take off and reach speeds of up to 190 km / h.

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Franky Zapata now wants to go further. On July 25, he plans to rewrite the exploit of Louis Blériot, 110 years later, across the English Channel. For this attempt, it will be necessary, for the first time, to refuel in flight.

Flyboard was the French military commitment to celebrate this July 14, which included not only the flying platform, but also drones and robots, which featured the latest technologies available to the troops.

Macron, surrounded by its European partners

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, celebrated the French National Day with the traditional military parade, in which he was accompanied this year by the nine other countries with whom he promoted the European fast-acting military force.

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Confronted with Brexit and the somewhat weaker transatlantic relations in Trump's time, Macron made defense Europe one of his favorite themes, saying it was crucial for the Old Continent to increase its strategic autonomy, complementary to NATO.

"Never since the end of the Second World War has Europe been so necessary, building a Europe of defense, linked to the Atlantic Alliance, whose celebrations we celebrate. 70 years, is a priority for France "and" is the thread of this parade, "said the French president.

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European cooperation was therefore a central issue that day, with the participation of about 4,300 soldiers, 196 vehicles, 237 horses, 69 aircraft and 39 helicopters.

Source: El Mundo newspaper


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