The former chief of military intelligence in Chavez calls the rebellion against Maduro


February 21, 2019
– 20h02

The general led the military counter-espionage, but this Thursday, he put himself at the service of Juan Guaidó

A Venezuelan general who led the military counterintelligence at the time of Hugo Chavez On Thursday, he called for the rebellion against the government of Nicolás Maduro and put himself at the service of Juan Guaidó, who in January was sworn in as president of the country by order of National Assembly (Parliament).

"Here is one more soldier for the causes of freedom and democracy, useful for the restoration of the constitutional order allowing us to call free elections," said General Hugo Carvajal in a series of videos that 39 he posted in your Twitter account.

To integrate

Message to the Venezuelan people, especially to the national armed forces. Everyone knows me for having fulfilled my duties in a military career of over 30 years during which I had to head military intelligence and counterintelligence for more than a decade.

– Hugo Carvajal (@ hugocarvajal4f) February 21, 2019

The soldier was a close collaborator of Chávez and has been facing Maduro for a few years.

Due to his nearly 10-year tenure under the direction of the Military Counterintelligence Bureau (Dgcim), he has accumulated a series of complaints including crimes of torture, the protection of terrorism and links to trafficking. drug, Various reports published in the world press.


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"It depends on you, brothers of arms, how this ends, do not doubt that this is the good side of history"He added after making public his decision to offer Guaidó as "one more soldier for the cause of freedom and democracy" and to urge Maduro to badume responsibility for all the "miseries" that He brought to Venezuela.

"Gentlemen of the high command, it is impossible that this army, now in the hands of some generals subject to Cuban directives, has become the largest contributor to a system of dictatorial government," he added.


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