The former DAlessio lawyer said the scandal does not end in Stornelli


The lawyer stated that his ex-accused was performing intelligence tasks on his person and his knowledge.

March 27, 2019

Rodrigo González, former lawyer of Marcelo D'Alessio, in the opinion of the absence of Carlos Stornelli in his appeal to the question and badured that the scandal "It does not end" in the prosecutor.

In dialogue with the program There will be consequences in Destape Radio, the lawyer said: "If I had known all that, I would never have defended D & # 39; Alessio. It's awful what I live now. "

"I'm still in shock." When I went to testify, I discovered that they had carried out intelligence tasks on me, on people close to me, a person whom I had as a client and who had generated 39, empathy in me, had a totally different face, "confessed the lawyer.

Regarding his ex-defendant, he said: "I do not know if he was powerful, but Alessio had access to certain areas of power," he said. "He also came forward claiming he was working for the US Embbady."


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