The former lover of Juan Carlos I of Spain denounced him for harassment and espionage | Claiming millionaire compensation


Corinna Larsen, ex-lover of Juan Carlos I of Spain, presented a Trial before the High Court of London in which she accuses the King Emeritus and the Spanish secret services of “harassment” and “espionage” against her in the United Kingdom.

The 57-year-old German businesswoman also claims a millionaire compensation and that anyone who reigned in Spain between 1975 and 2014 cannot approach within 150 meters of one of their residences. The complaint was filed last December but came to light on Tuesday.

Larsen accuses the King Emeritus and the Spanish Secret Service of harassing her since 2012 through threats, defamation and cover-up. The woman alleges that the National Intelligence Agency of Spain, her then head Félix Sanz Roldán, or people who worked for her or for Juan Carlos, put her and others around her , “under physical surveillance”.

As stated, this “involved a vehicle and personal surveillance, with searches of the properties where he resided, in addition to being hacked into his phones and computersLarsen also claims that she was threatened by the King Emeritus, who allegedly told her that “the consequences for her” would not be good “if” she did not do what he wanted. “

The woman, born in Denmark and also known as Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, said Sanz Roldán also told her at a meeting in London in 2012 that he could “not guarantee her physical safety or that of their children”. In several interviews and even when he appeared as a witness in a trial in Spain, he said that the harassment and persecution started when she ended her relationship with Juan Carlos.

According to Financial times, in the background of the case is a payment of 65 million euros in 2012 by Juan Carlos to the businesswoman with funds from a gift of one hundred million dollars that the Spanish king of the era received from the late monarch Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in 2008.

In his trial, Larsen says Juan Carlos told him that “he wanted to make sure she and her children were okay, but he feared her family would dispute anything she left in her will after her death.” However, the Bourbon claims this money “or that it places it at its disposal”. She refused and he then accused her of stealing the funds and defamed her from her family and business partners, as well as from King Salman and Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia.

According to Corinna, this has resulted in lost income from her work as a “strategic consultant” as she works with high net worth individuals and leading companies around the world.

The businesswoman also said on another occasion that the Sultan of Oman bought her a £ 50million apartment in London’s exclusive Knightsbridge district for the use of the Spanish monarch. Larsen said Juan Carlos asked her to post a bond for the service charge of around £ 200,000 for the property, but she refused.

Meanwhile, the defense of Juan Carlos I, She has not yet responded to the request, and it remains to be decided whether British justice has jurisdiction to investigate a former head of state of another nationality who does not reside in the United Kingdom.


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