The former Minister of the Economy of Scioli warns against a possible exchange


In the context of the meeting of the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), former head of Buenos Aires Silvina Batakis He badured that a currency exchange could take place if the agricultural sector did not liquidate the gross crop.

"The agricultural sector will theoretically give a good answer this year because there is no more drought – for the moment, there are only expectations because the sector has liquidated less of currency so far this year compared to the same period of 2018 when there was a drought, "explained the former Minister of the Economy of Buenos Aires.

According to speculation, Dujovne would have gone to Washington to meet the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, with the aim of asking the agency to allow the Central Bank to sell dollars to control the exchange rate.

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In any case, he clarified that the tensions over the type of change are continuing because the official policy is "failing" and because Argentina does not generate genuine dollars, but the only currencies that come in are entered by debt.

"It's because we are on the wrong track and this is having an impact on the real economy, which is why some industry sectors such as the automotive sector run at 15.7% of their installed capacity according to INDEC, "said the economist. Delta Radio 90.3.

It should be noted that agribusiness companies settled $ 1,756 million in January, about $ 46 million less than the same month last year, which had already decreased by 10% compared to January 2017.

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Thus, if the IMF does not allow the government to sell the dollars it has lent to it since last year, it will be essential, according to Mr. Batakis, that the field does not focus on the coarse soybean crop and the liquid quickly.

In turn, as reported by the chambers of Ciara and Cec sector, the liquidation of the currencies of cereal and by-product exporters in February amounted to $ 1,290 million. It was reduced by $ 466 million from January.



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