The former PDVSA manager spoke: DAlessio had almost everything a notebook in his hand with data from me


Gonzalo Brusa Dovat pdvsa.jpg

Gonzalo Brusa Dovat

Gonzalo Brusa Dovat

The businessman said that he had been taken to the prosecutor Stornelli in a vehicle with two officers who had badured him that he belonged to the DEA. "D & # 39; Alessio explained to Stornelli the terms in which I would denounce the cause", said and added that the so-called lawyer was present at the time he filed the complaint "and that he even filmed it to send it to the businessman Pedro Etchebest.

Brusa Dovat also said that he was threatened. "I wanted him to give me information on the cause of liquefied gas." When I refused to give information, the pressures began. D'Alessio handled a lot of my personal information, almost a whole notebook with my data. He needed to badociate PDVSA with Enarsa and the Ministry of Planning to have "an excellent research topic".

Regarding the relationship between the Prosecutor and D'Alessio, the businessman said his treatment was cordial and that "a lot of familiarity was evident". He called the fake lawyer a "sinister character".

"Dr. Alessio introduced me to reporters and told me who to talk to.He talked about Santoro all the time as a friend and co-director," he said. . with Feinmann then the raid ".


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