The former president of AMIA broke the silence that had been thrown after the defense of Cristina Kirchner


Agustín Zbar In February of this year, he had to obtain a compulsory license as president of AMIA in his defense of Cristina Kirchner. Today, one day after the 25th anniversary of the attack on the Jewish Mutual Group, he has spoken again.

After five months of silence, Zbar broke the silence. It was with the Israeli medium Haaretz. There he returned to refer to the attack he suffered. Earlier this year, he was president of AMIA he had asked the DAIA to give up being the lawsuit against Cristina Kirchner in the lawsuit for the denunciation of the deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman, for the memorandum with Iran.

"I dare not say that the memorandum was a pact of impunity with Iran, I must give them the benefit of the doubt, there were people who believed that the memorandum of agreement with Iran was a way to clarify the cause. "bad faith" but it was an extremely bad and very bad decision for the country, "Zbar had said. The days had to ask for a license. Almost a resignation, asked from various sectors of the community and government leadership.


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In the dialogue with Haaretz, Zbar now declares: "The reaction against my position was so harsh precisely because I was mingling with the attempt to continue using the cause politically."

And he adds: "I do not believe that (putting Cristina in prison) is the cause of the Jewish community. When was it a good idea for the Jewish people to oppose the majority of the people of the country in which they live? ", Zbar asks for the attention of the upcoming presidential election.


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