The foundation of the year: find 11 abandoned Ferrari in a field


A neglected treasure and in the open air. So you can define the batch of eleven Ferrari appeared in a field in the United States and will surprise the world of collectors. There are specimens considered clbadic and great value, both "closed" and convertible.

The discovery was published by the specialized site Silodrome. Among the cars, he explained, there is a Testarossanail 400, at least three 348two 328nail 308 Quattrovalvole and several global.

Some Italian cars, neglected and between plants. Photo: silodrome.
Some Italian cars, neglected and between plants. Photo: silodrome.

According to the site, belonged to a lawyer who has invested a good deal of his fortune in cars. In fact, the records include two other units of the Rampante Cavallino, as well as Porsche, Lotus, Chevrolet Corvette and Lamborghini.

The identity of the man and some data on the location of the cars mean that he did not publish them for a security problem.

They were lawyers who, after falling seriously ill, could not continue to pay for the garage. Photo: silodrome.
They were lawyers who, after falling seriously ill, could not continue to pay for the garage. Photo: silodrome.

The owner initially had them in a protected garage accordingly. But between 2011 and 2012 became seriously illand despite the fact that in the beginning he had allocated a large sum of money for the maintenance of the machines, then he could not continue to pay.

That's how, at one point, these eleven Ferraris went from "sleeping" to the interior in the open air. Only a few had a tarpaulin to protect them.

Eleven have appeared, but there are thirteen in the registers. We do not know where the other two are. Photo: silodrome.
Eleven have appeared, but there are thirteen in the registers. We do not know where the other two are. Photo: silodrome.

In the pictures, you can see them neglected and with the logical effects of the pbadage of time, but they are not so bad either. We will have to wait until, once the legal problem is resolved, the specialists determine how is the mechanical part.

The interiors of some units are severely damaged. To save them, they must fall into good hands and be subjected to complete restoration.

One of the Ferrari's inside. In bad condition but nothing that a good restoration can solve. Photo: silodrome.
One of the Ferrari's inside. In bad condition but nothing that a good restoration can solve. Photo: silodrome.
They appeared in a field in the United States. Photo: silodrome.
They appeared in a field in the United States. Photo: silodrome.
The tapestry is broken in one of the copies. Manual gearbox, old style. Photo: silodrome.
The tapestry is broken in one of the copies. Manual gearbox, old style. Photo: silodrome.
These are clbadic models very popular collectors. Photo: silodrome.
These are clbadic models very popular collectors. Photo: silodrome.


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