The four countries where Nicolás Maduro could take refuge if he left Venezuela


The versions according to which emergency plans are in preparation in case the president needs to leave the country reinforce themselves Source: Archives – Credit: Reuters

Nicolás Maduro

Live your most complicated moment. In the middle of the popular
demonstrations in the streets demanding their resignation, the economic crisis, the shortage of supplies, the record inflation and the swearing-in of
Leader of the National Assembly of the Opposition,

Juan Guaidó,

as president in charge of


before the allegations of fraud in the last election, the President
Bolivarian withstands with the help of his usual allies and part of the army.

But if, on more than one occasion, he indicated that he would go nowhere and that he would stay in the country to defend his country against what he considers to be attacks from abroad, versions relating to the development of a "plan B" If you have to leave Venezuela and take refuge in another country, they reinforce themselves.

According to what was published by the agency
Bloomberg, citing sources in
on the disc, The four destinations that the Bolivarian could reach are Cuba, Russia, Mexico and Turkey. "In Cuba, the communist government of Miguel Díaz-Canel is an ideological ally of the Bolivarian Republic of Maduro", says the portal of economic news and also warns that the Mexican president, on the other hand,

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

He is one of the few Latin American leaders not to recognize Guaidó's legitimate president.

The versions according to which emergency plans are in preparation in case the president needs to leave the country reinforce themselves
The versions according to which emergency plans are in preparation in case the president needs to leave the country reinforce themselves Credit: Europa Press

Similarly, the President of Turkey,

Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

He is another leader who could open the doors of his country to the Bolivarian. He called him last month to badure him of his support and called him "my brother". And in Russia, the Kremlin has already expressed its support and opposition to the government of

Donald Trump

Take letters on the subject. "If Maduro were to go to Russia, President Vladimir Putin would offer him refuge," said Andrey Kortunov, chairman of the International Affairs Council, a research organization set up by the Kremlin. "It is not our policy to give up ours and it is still part of it," added the manager.

The first lady behind the plane

The promoter of this plan of exit of the country would be the "first fighter" Cilia Flores, wife of Maduro, who would be concerned for the future of her husband and pushed him to elaborate a plan B and to prepare it before any inconvenience .

Elliott Abrams, Special Representative for Venezuela's US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, said last week that other countries (which he declined to reveal names), besides Russia and Cuba, had contacted him and were willing to accept members of the Council. Government Chavez if it would help the transition.

It will not be easy Maduro's exit from the country may be risky, at least for the countries concerned, because even though the United States has repeatedly badured that it is time for him to leave (the adviser to the national security of the White House recommended "a beautiful beach in Venezuela"), could retaliate against the nation that took refuge.


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