The freedom of the former FARC leader is entangled and returns to the Colombian Minister of Justice


(EFE) .- The release of former FARC guerrilla leader Jesús Santrich bogged down on Thursday because of judicial proceedings, while the controversial decision of the JEP to reject his extradition to the United States led the resignation of the Colombian Minister of Justice, Gloria María Borrero.

Early on, activists from the Santrich Free Platform "were summoned around La Picota Prison in Bogotá, where dozens of journalists also went to wait in the rain for their" immediate freedom ", as they had ordered the JEP yesterday, but after the night, the inmate was still behind bars.

The situation led to the defense of Seuxis Paucias Hernández, aka Jesus Santrich, filed a writ of habeas corpus (so that the judicial authority decides whether an inmate is released) to take his client out of jail, according to his lawyer, Eduardo Matías Camargo, who was prevented by whim from the director of La Picota.

"It's been more than 24 hours, that's why the defense believes that the immediate delay to obtain the release of Mr. Jesús Santrich has expired and that we had to file a writ of habeas corpus"

"More than 24 hours have pbaded, which is why the defense believes that the immediate delay to obtain the release of Mr. Jesús Santrich has expired and that we must file a writ of habeas corpus before the Superior Court of Bogotá, "he said.

Santrich was arrested in Bogota on April 9, 2018 by the Colombian prosecutor's office in response to a request for extradition from the United States Department of Justice, accusing him of drug trafficking, a crime allegedly been committed after the signing of the peace agreement, according to the complaint. November 24, 2016, which is exposed to ordinary courts.

Yesterday, no authority from the Colombian government came forward on the alleged delays in the execution of the transitional justice decision denounced by the lawyer.

At the same time, the crisis triggered by the CEP's decision to apply the guarantee of non-extradition to Santrich, stating that "lack of evidence" did not allow the badessment of US demand, continues to rage in the United States. the judiciary.

The resignation of Attorney General Nestor Humberto Martinez and Deputy Prosecutor Maria Paulina Riveros joined yesterday the Minister of Justice, who attributed it to the "normal changes of any government".

At the same time, the crisis triggered by the decision of the PEC to apply the guarantee of non-extradition proposed by Santrich stating that "lack of evidence" did not allow to badess the US demand, she continues to rage.

"I spoke with the Minister of Justice, Gloria María Borrero, and the minister will already be retiring from the Ministry of Justice, I accepted her resignation, I spoke to her a few days ago" said President Iván Duque in an act. in Medellin.

The president also announced the appointment of lawyer Margarita Cabello Blanco, former president of the Supreme Court of Justice, as new minister.

Lawyer Borrero had only been in office for nine months. This is the first resignation of Duque's ministerial cabinet since it took office on August 7th.

The former minister has been criticized by various sectors for his low profile, especially because he was absent from discussions on the country's major legal issues, for even in the controversy sparked by the PEC's decision on Santrich, she stayed practically out of the way.

Among the outgoing officials, the head of state stressed his "patriotism, his work" and his "effort" to cope with prison overcrowding.

After announcing the appointment of Cabello Blanco as Minister, Mr. Duque said he would entrust him with "many tasks", including "the immense responsibility of advancing all the reforms needed to modernize the country." judicial system".

After announcing the appointment of Cabello Blanco as Minister, Mr. Duque said he would entrust him with "many tasks", including "the immense responsibility of advancing all the reforms needed to modernize the country." judicial system".

The president said that the new minister, who has not yet badumed office, will contribute with his experience to the institutional relations of the government so that all integral reforms, ranging from procedural and technological subjects to normative matters related to justice , "succeed and can generate a broad consensus in the country".

For its part, the United States Embbady in Colombia regretted the decision made by the CEP, said that she "takes note" of what happened and said "essential and urgent "call for decision announced yesterday by the Attorney General, Fernando Carrillo. .

"We believe that this decision is unfortunate because the United States has complied with the extradition requirements with Colombia and our request has established that the crimes alleged against Mr. Santrich took place after December 1, 2016" , said the embbady. declaration.


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