The front of all extended complaint for irregularities with votes from abroad


The proxies of the justicialist party and the Front de Tous extended to the electoral justice the complaint lodged this week for allegations of irregularities during the general elections on Sunday, referring to the vote by correspondence, to the vote face to face with the 39, foreign and at the level of participation of voters who do not reside in the country.

The PJ prosecutor, Jorge Landau, told Telam that the presentation – made this Thursday at the last minute – showed "irregularities and the real intentionality of the change of the system of legal voting of Argentineans abroad – by a decree of the Executive – incorporating a modality that should have had a special majority of legislative bodies. "

He added that this change should have been made with "the participation of all political forces, through the amendment of Law 24.007".

The extension of the complaint was presented by Landau, Patricia Alejandra García Blanco, Graciana Peñafort, Geronimo Javier Ustarroz and Eduardo Gustavo López Wesselhoefft, representatives of the PJ and Frente de Todos, according to the text to which Telam had access.

In the brief, it is stated that, regarding the postal voting, "after the decision of the National Electoral Chamber confirming the unconstitutionality of the procedure established by Decree 45/2019 – as soon as it suppressed the control provisional decision to be made at the consular headquarters – The executive branch has not changed the norm in question, thus leaving a legal vacuum ".

And that, despite the "Electoral Chamber set up a vote counting procedure", "it was planned to verify the identity of voters on the basis of the affidavit to accompany the vote," "late in In the afternoon, the chamber informed the consular offices of the suspension of the verification procedure of the identity until the conclusion of the elections of October 27 at 18 hours. "

"Prosecutors were not informed in due time and in the form of the suspension and, because of the time difference, some offices did not receive the counter-order and opened their doors on Thursday 24th. At 9:30 am, for example, at the consulates in Miami, New York and Stockholm, the prosecutors of the Frente de Todos arrived on Thursday, January 24 at the agreed time to control the opening of the envelopes. and the authorities refused to carry out the procedure of opening the envelopes and checking the voter's identity by mail. "

"Similarly, in other offices, the prosecutors found that the envelopes had already been opened as soon as they arrived, without any control of the political forces," continues the text.


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