The Fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala | With strong explosions and avalanches of glowing materials


The Volcano of fire, one of the three assets in Guatemala, entered this Thursday in a strong eruptive phase with explosions, expulsion of ash and avalanches of incandescent material.

“The activity being recorded corresponds to the start of a strombolian rash (a mixture of explosions and lava flows) or for the most part effusive, ”confirmed Emilio Barillas, spokesperson for the Guatemalan Institute of Volcanology (Insivumeh).

The rash caused the descent of flaming volcanic matter six kilometers long by a ravine that reached the base of the volcano, 3,763 meters high and located 35 kilometers southwest of the capital, added the official.

One of Guatemala’s three active volcanoes

The Fuego volcano, located between the provinces of Escuintla, Sacatepéquez and Chimaltenango, is one of the three assets in Guatemala next to Pacaya (south) and Santiaguito (west).

Barillas explained that the new eruptive phase This is the strongest recorded since June 3, 2018, when a powerful eruption caused an avalanche that devastated the community of San Miguel Los Lotes and part of a highway in the nearby town of Alotenango, killing 215 people and a similar number missing.

The National Coordinator of Disaster Prevention (Conred), the entity in charge of civil protection, indicated that ash rains have been reported in at least four communities near the volcano, where authorities and community leaders are monitoring the eruption.

“For the moment, no evacuation process has been implemented, however, the territorial authorities are maintaining actions in the surrounding areas,” said David de León, spokesman for Conred.

On September 11, the National Institute of Forensic Sciences of Guatemala (Inacif) handed over to their families the identified skeletons of 14 people who died buried during the eruption of the Volcán de Fuego in 2018.

The Inacif has waiting to identify 137 fragments of human bones recovered in this tragedy, But authorities noted that the process is difficult because the heat has destroyed vital genetic material.


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