The full text of Macri's letter to leaders – Telam


The following is the full text of the letter from the president of the nation:

"Argentina has concluded over the years fundamental agreements allowing us to strengthen our democracy, the democratic consensus that has closed the door to authoritarian experiences, the universal attribution to the child, the rejection of political violence, the strategic alliance with Mercosur, to give some examples.

But it is clear that we have struggled to agree on the fundamental issues of our economic development. Our story in this issue has gone through many failures, turning our country into a global paradox for lack of development and poverty despite our resources and potential.

Therefore, whenever an electoral process is approaching, there are many doubts about our future. The Argentines and the world want more clarity and certainty: we have been able to stop discussing topics that are no longer discussed in most countries.

That is why I would like to ask you to express yourself on these ten points that we deem essential to dispel some of the doubts that exist about our country.

These points are neither a government plan, nor an electoral proposal, nor a contract of adhesion. They invite us to clarify some of the key issues in our discussions. I hope that, from the democratic maturity, we will be able to give a sample of agreement allowing us to give greater tranquility to the Argentineans.

Achieve and maintain fiscal balance, both in the nation and in the provinces.

Maintain an independent central bank in the management of monetary instruments and exchange rates, based on its main objective, which is to fight against inflation at values ​​similar to those of neighboring countries. for the sustained growth of our exports. Respect for the law, contracts and acquired rights in order to consolidate legal certainty, an essential element of investment promotion: creation of formal jobs through modern and adapted labor legislation to the new realities of the world of work Reducing the national, provincial and municipal tax burden, starting with distortionary taxes, Consolidating the sustainable and equitable pension system ensuring the safety of current and future retirees. Consolidation of a transparent federal system secure transfers to the provinces not subject to the discretion of the national government, to set up a professional, reliable and independent statistics system, respect of the obligations contracted towards our creditors.

We are now open to listening to aggregates or contributions that you believe reinforce the message of predictability that we can give, insofar as it implies the beginning of an open conversation. "


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