The fury of Mauricio Macri against "pancakes"


In his worst time of government, in addition Mauricio Macri is furious with the businessmen who have returned a few hours after the PASO It is in Washington, they work with the following hypothesis: Frente de Todos has obtained the elections and would be the future government.

And that is how Wall Street writes in his secret reports. Banks are already working with this badumption: President Alberto, as revealed Marcelo Bonelli in the newspaper Clarin. Yes until the CitiBank from Manhattan sent him An invitation to the candidate to present his ideas in New York.

Angry, Macri tries to "Crepes" and without codesaccording to the editorialist of the newspaper that received it yesterday in MALBA.

"They see you on the floor and give you a kick"

"So he trusted his friends with intimacy: "I know they're going to leave me, but hide yourself a bit." And he added, "They see you on the floor and kick you."" Bonelli revealed.

And point to Marcos Galperín, the powerful businessman and activist from Macrista to PASO, who was the first to visit Fernández.


Mac businessmen who have already blinked at Alberto Fernández

"Macri has not forgiven this gesture and has several on the payroll: Martín Cabrales and the dome of the UIA headed by Miguel Acevedo. The UIA has allowed to overtake – just two days after the elections – its approval of the victory of Alberto. Fernández has a relationship with Acevedo, through the intermediary of his brother-in-law, former Senator Roberto Urquía. The two met in Córdoba, "he closed.


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