The Fury of Wanda Nara on Twitter: What Happened to Journalists?


Wanda Nara is in Argentina and yesterday afternoon went to the theater to see a play of children with her sister, Zaira, her two daughters, Isabella and Francesca, and her niece, Malaika. But … what happened?

"We were seeing a little girl with 3 girls upa." More than 50 photographers and stars entered the theater to jump on Wan and ask all the same questions. Do you think about the cellulite controversy? "Daleee guy, seriously? Which producer sends your team down the street for that ?, detailed the Morfi driver on his personal Twitter account.

To this has been added the statement Wanda's own: "Everything is very funny, much to tell … but everything has a limit and the right of journalists ends the day I decide to go out with my daughters in Buenos Aires in a theater for children "

" Surely they did a lot for me, more than loaded, I do not have NO PERSON for years, I gave them a lot of theme, real, invented or transformed Why give notes? If when they go to the word hate, resentment and envy invades them "furiously added.

And concludes: "I am sorry for new journalists, or those who try to be different but among a crowd above me it is difficult to distinguish".

  • Wanda Nara on Twitter

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