The gap between the value of origin and retail prices increases by 1.3%


The gap between the value of the original and retail prices increases by 1.3%

Monday, July 16, 2018 00:00

Source  Increase Source "title = "Increase the source" /> <img decoding=  alt alt According to the IPOD index of the Argentine Confederation of Small Enterprises ( CAME), the consumer paid in gondola 5, 28 times more average than what the producer received at the door of his field for products.

The price differential between origin and destination of agricultural products increased 1.3% in June, according to a sectoral report released. In this way, a consumer pays around 14 times more than the producer receives for lemons, whereas in the case of oranges the difference is 11 times higher.

According to the IPOD index of the Argentine Confederation of Small Enterprises (CAME), the consumer paid in gondola 5.28 times more average than what the producer received at the door of his field for products.

This difference affected 64% of this type of product, although the most important cases were lemons and oranges. The gap was smaller for cases such as strawberry (the consumer was spending just 1.32 times more than the plantation owner had received).

The agency pointed out that it was "the fourth month in a row" this difference in values, it goes up. These figures are based on prices provided by referrals from over 25 primary production complexes, daily online prices of the country's major supermarkets and over 500 grocery and market prices for each product. .

the agricultural IPOD reached a value of 5.6 times, 1.3% more than in May. It was the fifth consecutive month of increase. The IPOD of cattle has risen by 2%, setting at 3.99 times and recording a decline of two consecutive months of decline, "explains the CAME.

The entity explains that this gap is important in the case of lemons and oranges. The price to the producer is very high. "They also pointed out that three foods had a narrowing in the IPOD: egg, onion and chicken, which in May had very similar values.


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