The German Benjamin List and the Scottish David WC MacMillan received the Nobel Prize in chemistry


The winners of Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the price went to Benjamin’s List and David WC MacMillan. The election aimed to recognize “an ingenious way of building molecules”, as announced by the spokesperson for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

List is a 53-year-old German scientist, director of Max Planck Institute for Coal Research and specialized in catalysis, while MacMillan, of the same age, is a researcher at Princeton University, United States.

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The work of both is focused on the development of “Asymmetric organocatalysis”. This allowed us to initiate “a whole new way of thinking about how to put chemical molecules together,” he explained. Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry.

“This new group of tools is widely used today, for example in the drug discovery and in the production of fine chemicals, and this already benefits humanity enormously, ”said Wittung-Stafshede.

Last year, the recognition went to the French Emmanuelle Charpentier and the American Jennifer Doudna “For the development of a genomic editing method.”

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